Polisens IT-avdelning och nationellt forensiskt centrum
Polismyndighetens uppgift är att bekämpa och förebygga brott
Kort Fakta
Antal Anställda i Sverige 38000
Grundades 1850
Hemsida polisen.se
Om Företaget
The mission of the Swedish Police is to reduce crime and increase public safety. Through crime prevention, the police work to ensure that fewer crimes are committed. The aim is also for more crimes to be solved.
National Forensic Centre, NFC, is the department of the Swedish Police responsible for the forensic activities. NFC directs, develops and performs forensic work in close cooperation with investigators in order to fight and solve crime.
The police's IT is an important part to fight crime, we provide service to the citizens and make it easier for the authority's employees to carry out their tasks. As digitalization increases, the police must be able to handle large amounts of data, take advantage of new technologies and stay one step ahead of criminals, without compromising security and legal certainty.
Söker studenter från
Civ.Ing DatateknikCiv.Ing InformationsteknologiCiv.Ing MjukvaruteknikCiv.Ing Teknisk fysik och elektroteknikCiv.Ing Medicinsk teknikCiv.Ing Teknisk matematikCiv.Ing Industriell ekonomiH.Ing datateknikH.Ing elektroteknikInnovativ programmeringSystemvetenskapKognitionsvetenskapKandidat inom statistik och dataanalys